Aún no tenemos significados para "infinitely beautiful".
1The astral world is infinitely beautiful, clean, pure, and orderly.
2She was infinitely beautiful, this young Dorothy whom people hereabouts through some odd error called Helen.
3With a cloudy sky, a bright but broken moonlight, the reflection on the sea was infinitely beautiful.
4Benny described Heaven's light as infinitely beautiful, a sight of such compelling majesty that it vanquished all doubts.
5Still, tradition tells us that He was the most infinitely beautiful being that ever walked our small earth.
6I saw it not; I knew it not; and yet how infinitely beautiful were the imaginations of my solitude!
7Here among the majesty and stillness of the White Mountains was a song most fitting and infinitely beautiful to express their loveliness.
8We should know Him because He is infinitely true; love Him because He is infinitely beautiful; and serve Him because He is infinitely good.
9The primary thing is, that the Infinitely Beautiful One naturally expresses Himself-perhapsmust express Himself-inbeautiful forms.
10(Enter PRISCILLA, infinitely radiant, infinitely beautiful, with a bottle of vermouth in one hand and a jug of gin in the other.)
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