Aún no tenemos significados para "inflate balloon".
1Dolly reclined inside of a large wooden box, surrounded by inflated balloons.
2It swelled out like an inflated balloon, dark and purple and corrugated.
3The guests drink punch, inflate balloons with helium, sing, dance and eat.
4Note how the touch of its legs indents the inflated balloon.
5Sticking pins in large, highly inflated balloons-oneof the most delightful of amusements.
6A prime and important application of pure hydrogen is that of inflating balloons.
7Those signs are all that saves him from going to pieces like an over- inflated balloon.
8Now-a-days, fire is not used for inflating balloons.
9If you don't have a ball, you can use an inflated balloon; but dispose of it after use.
10An inflated balloon would ascend too high unless several hundred pounds of ballast were used to weight it down.
11This was a somewhat maddening process, like trying to grab an inflated balloon with a pair of needle-nosed pliers.
12There is plenty of hydrogen, that could serve as fuel, and all the helium you might want for inflating balloons.
13Method Two: For Girls - Inflate balloon to full pear shape and burst balloon with pin or any sharp object.
14Many of the massive helium- inflated balloons require up to 90 handlers and can be challenging to maneuver even in calm weather.
15Godard considered it, from the difficulty of maintaining within it the necessary degree of buoyancy, far inferior to the gas inflated balloon.
16In August, 1783-aneventful year in the history of aeronautics-thefirst gas- inflated balloon was sent up, of course unaccompanied by a passenger.