Aún no tenemos significados para "ingenuous youth".
1The darker expression of sadness passed over the countenance of the ingenuous youth.
2The instincts of ingenuous youth are easily induced to take the better part.
3No loftier ideal can be held up to the emulation of ingenuous youth.
4In fact, I should distinctly warn ingenuous youth to avoid imitating my example.
5He had tried to behave himself in that ingenuous youth's company.
6Was not Scipio Africanus-namesakeof the ingenuous youth that serves me-styledboy at twenty?
7He was an ingenuous youth, sordidly shabby and dirty.
8My lip trembled as I resumed: "And will Don ingenuous youth?"
9In spite of wisdom learned at Balliol and shell craters, he was still an ingenuous youth.
10He was no longer the ingenuous youth who had come to them from off the Kanab trail.
11But a syllable more than is necessary and justly measured, is materially of evil operation to ingenuous youth.
12This ingenuous youth now amused him.
13They sit a while with a delicate looking girl in whom the ingenuous youth naturally takes a special interest.
14Into the accuracy of this distinction it is needless to inquire: and then the ingenuous youth went on to observe-
15And into my face I strove to throw all the wan wistfulness of famished and ingenuous youth unused to mendicancy.
16Let us imagine some candid and ingenuous youth, turning to his Homer and repeating, say, the following passage of the Iliad:-
Esta colocación está formada por:
Ingenuous youth a través del tiempo
Ingenuous youth por variante geográfica