An initialpackage has been offered which ex-employees say is open to negotiation.
MBIE economic development and transitions general manager Dean Ford said this initialpackage would help with short-term needs.
The initialpackage targeted relief for small and medium businesses, along with cash payments to people on welfare.
The organisation is working as fast as it can to get the initialpackage ready for shipment, he said.
Senior administration officials said the initialpackage of proposed cuts was targeted at federal funds that were sitting unspent.
It did not provide details of its revised concessions but said they were generally consistent with the initialpackage.
Final decisions await more deliberations next week - but diplomats said on Friday an initialpackage was now virtually a done deal.
The initialpackage of instant food, water, medicine, blankets and other supplies will be sent both by ship and land, Lee said.
Those measures could carry a heftier price tag, and could prove more divisive than the initialpackage, which passed Congress with overwhelming bipartisan support.
It appears early goals for the new policy, including specific numerical targets for AIDS patients in treatment, may not be part of the initialpackage.
Economic Development Minister Steven Joyce told Checkpoint with John Campbell the relief package was an initialpackage and there was "some flexibility around it".
Lawmakers should enact an initialpackage of tax and spending measures to serve as a "down payment" on a broader deal, the think tank suggested.
Citi economist Josh Williamson expects an initialpackage of A$3 billion to A$5 billion, or about 0.1% of Australia's gross domestic product.