Divide (a disk) into marked sectors so that it may store data.
Examples for "format"
Examples for "format"
1He reportedly told USA Today the new format has greater guest potential.
2Discussion: UK medical schools differ in both format and content of teaching.
3Question types and mark schemes match the format of the National tests.
4Check your child's progress with these new format National Curriculum SATs tests.
5Johnson said this information was not previously available in a user-friendly format.
1We initialize and read out different internal states for the individual sites.
2The first several lines of this script initialize variables with default settings.
3Moreover, you must initialize any partitions that you created in the disk partitioning step.
4When such a model is activated, it has to initialize.
5Run the following commands to initialize the PostgreSQL installation:
1The bionic pancreas was initialised with only the participant's body mass.
2With infinite gentleness the server decanted the virtual into its data processing nodes and initialised it.
3The signature latte each initialised by head baristas Lamar Williams elicits wide smiles from even the most discerning customer.
Translations for initialise