If the inputsignal is applied to this grid, it would modulate the collected current, opening and closing the valve as in the water analogy.
In both formulations, an inputsignal is designed for each candidate model and parameterization so as to drive the model outputs through a target trajectory.
The CA-1000 is capable of digital signal processing and can increase the level of the inputsignal up to 24 volts.
A continuous wave (cw) inputsignal of 97mW was amplified to 100W at the amplifier output, which yielded a gain of more than 30dB.
A microcontroller processes the multiple inputsignals it receives from the grid.
Won't convert composite or S-video inputsignals to component output, requiring multiple video outputs.
Inputsignals were divided into eight frequency channels.
During different gravity conditions, astronauts experience altered inputsignals from the peripheral vestibular system resulting in sensorimotor dysfunction.
Thus, the dual pump technique can provide high pulling efficiency for stronger inputsignals, deferring the onset of depletion.
It is because the inputsignals are different, and because of how the different regions are connected to each other.
This work identifies nuclear PRAS40 as a dual- inputsignaling checkpoint that links cell growth and proliferation to inhibition of cellular senescence.
The kinase Akt plays a central role as a regulator of multiple growth factor inputsignals, thus making it an attractive anticancer drug target.
Lactate, oxygen, norepinephrine and glucose are examples as the kinds of injury biomarkers that will serve as biological inputsignals for their prototype logic system.