Aún no tenemos significados para "inquisitión".
1The Inquisition is created as a means of enforcing the new rules.
2The Inquisition destroyed the sectaries of Southern France in the thirteenth century.
3The third in the line of inquisitors-general extended the Inquisition to America.
4Of the Dominicans I have already spoken in connection with the Inquisition.
5Philip II., son of Charles the Fifth, established the Inquisition in Franche-Comté.
6You might have guessed yourself in the fell grip of the Inquisition.
7In 1592 be fell into the hands of the Inquisition at Venice.
8There are two books out so far: The Novice and The Inquisition.
9A secret order of the Inquisition prevented the appearance of the Dalmatians.
10In the midst of their conjuring, the Inquisition came down upon them.
11There was a touch of Torquemada of the Inquisition in his cosmos.
12Religion Galileo Galileo goes to Rome, to the lair of the Inquisition.
13They suggest the Star Chamber of England and the Inquisition of Spain.
14Breakdown on the one hand, Inquisition and Ogpu rule on the other.
15There was no need even of the Inquisition, as an ecclesiastical tribunal.
16She knocks the Inquisition and the day of judgment all to pieces.