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Significados de intensive pig en inglés
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Uso de intensive pig en inglés
But in the large quantities excreted by intensivepig farms, it is highly polluting.
Those yields in turn supported intensivepig production.
We have been told the E-coli may be coming from intensivepig farms polluting the ground water.
Sir, I read with interest the letter from Aidan Larkin of September 27th, concerning intensivepig farming and the environment.
In the same news bulletin, it was reported that the Government were investing £9 million in the intensivepig meat sector.
As I write, the intensivepig production sector is going through the process of being licensed by the Environmental Protection Agency.
As officials noted in the paper, due to the nature of intensivepig farming and rapid growth, pigs quickly outgrow their pens.
Elsewhere in East Anglia, a pig farmer agreed to take us into one of his intensivepig units, on the condition of anonymity.
Unless somebody has the courage to grasp the nettle and tackle the issue of intensivepig farming, I'm afraid this will be the case.
New intensivepig and poultry farms will have to apply to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for integrated pollution control licences from September 3rd.