(Usually plural) a social group whose members control some field of activity and who have common aims.
Examples for "interest"
Examples for "interest"
1The government said the land was needed for public interest development projects.
2Rising interest rates Good news on interest rates this week then?Eh, no.
3The approaches included interest from Europe and the Middle East, it said.
4Yields on interest rate future markets indicated a similar consensus among traders.
5Thursday 18 July South African SARB interest rate decision: Expected to decrease.
1Discusses the controversy over the Panana Canal stemming from special- interest group politics.
2The public interest group Public Knowledge disagreed vehemently with Comcast's argument.
3Not from the British establishment or, indeed, from any institution or interest group.
4This interest group, normally immune from budget cuts, will experience some cost cutting measures.
5I am secretary of the Irish Computer Society's special interest group on this problem.
6This is not just special pleading from one interest group.
7Will broadband prices go up? said Kimmelman, now president of public interest group Public Knowledge.
8They regarded themselves as civic communities in which the students were the main interest group.
9The police fared rather differently as an interest group.
10She is on the advisory panel for the Chartered Institute of Marketing's charity interest group.
11Our concern must be for a special interest group that has been too long neglected.
12In the showdown between the studio and the special interest group, both sides have taken hits.
13Special interest group lobbyists are an increasing - and effective - force behind the scenes in Brussels.
14The impression abroad is that the bullying tactics of a powerful special interest group have again prevailed.
15A public interest group applauded the ruling.
16She repeated her refrain that "we ought to recognize women aren't a special interest group".
Translations for interest group