Examples for "interview"
Examples for "interview"
1Make a list of questions prior to your interview and simply ask.
2Wilson was arrested and subsequently charged following a question and answer interview.
3The interview comes after a difficult year for the Spanish royal family.
4Actually, there was a problem: I didn't know how to interview anyone.
5It's a better business case, van Voorst said in a telephone interview.
1Methods: A qualitative interview study of patients registered with general practices in Leeds, UK.
2Methods and analysis: Feasibility RCT and nested qualitative interview study.
3Design of study: Semi-structured qualitative interview study, with purposive sampling and constant comparative analysis.
4Design: Feasibility randomised controlled study with nested qualitative interview study.
5Methods and procedures: We conducted a semi-structured interview study among 10 ID-physicians in the Netherlands.
6Design: Cross-sectional qualitative interview study of primary care physicians.
7A small-scale qualitative telephone interview study was therefore conceived to explore practitioners' views of practice development.
8Design: Qualitative, in-depth interview study using framework analysis.
9An observational and interview study completed the follow-up.
10Methods: An in-depth interview study among key informants involved in the establishment of the PTC organisation was conducted.
11Design of study: Qualitative interview study.
12Design: Face-to-face semi-structured qualitative interview study.
13Design: Qualitative interview study with semistructured one to one interviews within a randomised controlled trial of different management strategies.
14Study type: Qualitative interview study.
15Design: Qualitative in-depth interview study.
16Design: Qualitative semi-structured interview study.
Translations for interview study