Method of medicine delivery.
1Marley was still holding his own, resting with an intravenous drip in his front leg.
2Like an intravenous drip -delivered drop by drop.
3By afternoon, Lee had not eaten for 48 hours and had been placed on an intravenous drip.
4Instead, Murray likely set up an intravenous drip of propofol for Jackson that stopped his breathing, Shafer said.
5An intravenous drip did the rest.
6Max felt a coldness run through his veins, as though he were receiving an intravenous drip of liquid helium.
7Even getting the cold would require her to get an intravenous drip filled with high-energy formula and other medication.
8Becker (37) collapsed on Monday, five days into her hunger strike, but was revived with an intravenous drip.
9He said the baby was taken back to hospital where there were six failed attempts to insert an intravenous drip.
10Doctors put you on an intravenous drip to supply your body with nutrients and fluids as well as antiviral medicine.
11The vomiting had left me dehydrated and undernourished, and the doctor wanted to hook me up to an intravenous drip.
12The physician's defense team asked on Monday for permission to retest three samples obtained from syringes and an intravenous drip.
13General practitioners do not prescribe the type of antibiotics concerned - in fact, many can be administered only by intravenous drip.
14Five members of the team rushed her into a makeshift clinic in the concrete house and attached her to an intravenous drip.
15Any prior era, I would've died in mercifully brief agony, or lingered under intravenous drip till I went mad from sensory deprivation.
16Eve had taught him to hate his Templeton cousins, fed him on an intravenous drip of loathing since before he could crawl.
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Translations for intravenous drip
Intravenous drip por variante geográfica
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