Aún no tenemos significados para "investigate possible".
1Britain has also called in the fraud squad to investigate possible crimes.
2He and Sanya went to St. Louis to investigate possible Denarian activity.
3But it is Truste's job to investigate possible violations by its licensees.
4The general said, My people have come here to investigate possible CBW connections.
5Project managers may enter properties to investigate possible new infrastructure, alterations or maintenance.
6Britain also called in the fraud squad to investigate possible crimes.
7Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to investigate possible risk factors for polyautoimmunity.
8Authorities continue to investigate possible links between the two killings.
9Occasionally we had to investigate possible cases of cholera among troops coming from India.
10The geographical variation of IBD provides clues for researchers to investigate possible environmental aetiological factors.
11The objective here was to investigate possible associations prospectively.
12The six presidents asked the International Criminal Court to investigate possible war crimes in northern Mali.
13Last July, the Labour Inspectorate received an additional $32 million to investigate possible cases.
14The United Nations has named a panel to investigate possible war crimes committed by both sides.
15Links to Romania and Germany prompted the three countries to investigate possible cross-border MDR-TB transmission jointly.
16Goldsmith Romero leads a staff of roughly 140 who investigate possible abuse of the TARP program.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Investigate possible a través del tiempo
Investigate possible por variante geográfica
Estados Unidos de América