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Significados de irish form en inglés
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Uso de irish form en inglés
The current Irishform of the place name Crosshaven is Bun an Tábhairne.
It is the Irishform of a name brought to Ireland by the Anglo-Normans.
Racing:Flemenstar made a superb seasonal reappearance with an impressive victory in the IrishForm Book Fortria Chase at Navan.
However, where we are occasionally informed that a name derived from the Irish , the original Irishform is not provided.
Why did she need to translate my name from the Irishform as contained on my passport to further her point?
Since the building of the great reservoir, however, many of the rising generation are picking up the English tongue in its roundest Irishform.
It was about 10 years ago that the Hiberno-English word "crack" began to appear in its Irishform in written English in Ireland.
Racing: Sher Beau finally landed the decent prize he has threatened for some time by winning the IrishForm Book An Uaimh Chase at Navan.
He mentioned that the Irishform of Nassau Street is Sráid Thobar Phádraig, but alas the process of changing this historic name has already begun.
'Carding' has always been a favourite Irishform of physically insinuating to a man that he is not exactly popular.
"I said, 'I can speak Russian.'" I laughed again, and shifted back to my own, more feminine Mexican- Irishform.
The website is aimed at students, teachers, journalists, translators and researchers, who need what the site calls the "authoritative" Irishform of place names.