1I will just recommend one free option for both platforms - Jing.
2Named Lan Jing, its job is to install oil and gas rigs.
3Feagin will be based in the United States and report to Jing.
4Sentencing is scheduled for Nov. 17, another lawyer for Jing Wang said.
5The Hong Kong-based HKND group is headed by Chinese lawyer Wang Jing.
6Included in that group were financing proposals from Jing Bao and Shandong Xiangguang.
7All but Wang Jing, who commented very briefly, declined to discuss the case.
8Using Jing to record a video screenshot is simple and straightforward.
9Factories, manufacturing hubs and markets have already been relocated to Jing-Jin-Ji.
10It has to be the same for everybody, including Ren Jing.
11Liu, Jing, 1998, "Post-Earnings Announcement Drift and Analysts' Forecasts." Working Paper, UCLA.
12He said Jing Wang is no longer employed by Qualcomm.
13This is the case of the new Chinese supercapital Jing-Jin-Ji.
14The paper was co-authored by Miles and Bank officials Jing Yang and Gilberto Marcheggiano.
15Plus, there's a five-second ad at the end for Jing.
16Yu decided to go to Ning Jing's place immediately.