Short yell uttered by martial artists, commonly rendered in forms such as "Hi-yah!"
1A scream here, imbued with kiai-like intention, can propel you toward a fleeting instant of perfection.
2The police do not attract good people, Kiai said.
3Death threats Kiai speaks out at great personal risk.
4But Kiai and other critics say the policy makes criminals trigger-happy, causes vendettas against police, and above all reduces intelligence.
5The Kiai Laman, a Kahayan, and a Mohammedan, who related the story, does not eat this fish, nor water turtle.
6Kenyatta's director of digital media blogged in 2013 that Kiai is part of a "civil society web of evil".
7The most complete legend on this subject I obtained from a prominent ex-district kapala, Kiai Laman, a Kahayan Dayak converted to Islam.
8Asked in the interview the source of his courage, Kiai chuckled, raised a glass of red wine and then resumed his rapid -fire speech.
9Joseph Kiai reports from Dadaab, Kenya: Women who can't afford to buy wood start at 4 am to go collecting and return about noon...