People in the same family, connected by blood, marriage, or adoption.
1Their sole and determined purpose was to exterminate Israel, kith and kin.
2The Crosses knew little and saw less of their kith and kin.
3He was implacable; he would blot out his enemy, kith and kin.
4She is an extraordinary girl; independent of kith and kin, and everything else.
5Totemists, in short, spare the beasts that are their own kith and kin.
6For he had slain the kith and kin of many a hundred there-
7Battles will break out between nations as well as between kith and kin.
8A man ought never to embrace the interests of his kith and kin.
9What to do with your kith and kin I will consider.
10I hoped it might be one of my own kith and kin, but-
11None of her kith and kin were near to comfort her.
12Against Greeks war must be conducted as against our own kith and kin.
13Remember, as far as I know I am absolutely without kith and kin.
14All my kith and kin, and they were not many, died years ago.
15A man with no kith and kin, no better than some Polish priest.
16I've buried all my kith and kin bar them two lassies.