1My family knows you, I laik to have you hear de truth.
2Doan't yo' all git no sich notion laik dat in yo' head.
3An' I'll be mighty keerful ob it' laik Massa Tom tole me.
4You know not what love is, Monsieur Reetchie, you never love laik me.
5He hidin' he know dis nigger eat possum laik a hog.
6But de Colonel, he a'n't much on a gran' place laik in Kaintuck.
7He wouldn't trust dat big lummox Koku wif anyt'ing laik dis.
8It's a place suffin laik Gomeonaway-orGoonaway, or suffin' laik dat.
9I shore would laik t' find a gold mine, dat's what I would.
10Shoot all yo' laik, Boomerang won't run any mo' dis week.
11Dey ain' none laik Marse Nick fo' gittin' into trouble-and gittin' out agin.
12He's goin' laik my mule Boomerang does when he's comm' home t' dinnah.
13He may go forward or he may go backward, jest laik them Australian boomerangs.
14I laik to know citizen's name glorified by gran' cause.
15No, Massa Tom-datis, I didn't shoot on puppose laik.
16Po' Boomerang he's gittin' old jest same laik I be.