There was a baby boom in two of the State's largestmaternity hospitals last year, according to figures released yesterday.
For an enterprise in the business of welcoming life, the birthing ward in Portugal's largestmaternity hospital is eerily quiet.
One of the State's largestmaternity hospitals has begun renting private houses in Dublin to provide accommodation for new nursing recruits.
The country's largestmaternity ward at Middlemore Hospital might have to close or face major disruption because it's a seismic risk.
The company said it had hoped that the combination of the two companies would create the largestmaternity, baby and children's products retailer.
Dr Johnson also told Morning Report the Galbraith building, which houses New Zealand's largestmaternity ward, was riddled with asbestos and an earthquake risk.
Restrictions put in place in the largestmaternity hospital in the State, to protect against Covid-19, may be eased this week its master has said.
This is the State's largestmaternity hospital and one of Europe's busiest, all 14,000 square metres of narrow Byzantine corridors of it.
In a statement today, the largestmaternity hospital in the State said 7,848 babies were born there last year, the highest number since 1972.
Babytree said in its prospectus that it is China's largestmaternity and child-focused community platform with around 139 million monthly active users in 2017.