Examples for "legging"
Examples for "legging"
1Dropping upon the ground, he hastily unfastened and turned down his legging.
2Five moose, hooves flying wildly, are just legging it across the track.
3The Metallic Foil Crosshatch Gold legging is so comfortable, festive and fun.
4There's leotard and legging sex on nylon sheets in the Europa Hotel.
5Twenty years ago, he'd have been legging it down the road by now.
1The only thing that Franklin recognizes is the apple-red pant leg covering the bottom of the limb like a burrito wrapper.
2His preyskin leg coverings were as damp as Marra's fur.
3The thief wore a soiled, padded coat, thick woollen leg coverings, boots that gaped.
4If the patient has "copious" secretions, CDC guidelines call for shoe and leg coverings plus a second pair of gloves.
5He invented things for her to do just because he could make her do them-bringhim a drink of water, tie on his leg coverings.
1Those people are much better Clad than they were last fall, their men have generally legins mockersons and large robes.