Aún no tenemos significados para "less comprehensible".
1Oh, I do not know; it all grows less comprehensible every moment.
2And with knowledge came a new and less comprehensible emotion.
3Norma Cenva had been vanishing more frequently and seemed more agitated and less comprehensible than usual.
4Her manner now was even less comprehensible than her repeated refusals to see him had been.
5My Monkey-man's jabber multiplied in volume but grew less and less comprehensible, more and more simian.
6I turned over the events of the day, and the more I considered them the less comprehensible they appeared.
7He had never understood her-such had been for him her greatest fascination;-andnow she was less comprehensible than ever.
8Man's new birth from the womb of death-isit a mystery less comprehensible than his birth from the womb of his mother?
9Which made my forthcoming request even less comprehensible when you got right down to it, but I had been reared to protect others.
10What was less comprehensible, however, was how Robbie imperiously raised his hand now, as though issuing a command which Cecilia dared not disobey.
11This was less comprehensible to us, but the dichotomy of the UN and the SPLA would become clearer as the months went on.
12My thesis suggests that some of the less comprehensible incidents of violent crime are the result of a more complex series of stimulus factors.
13But that refreshment was preparatory to something which I fear you will find less comprehensible, but on which our minds are entirely fixed, sir.
14Even as I arrived at this second subterranean floor, I heard the grumbling voice, less distinct and even less comprehensible than it had been before.
15Less comprehensible was Icardi's decision-making a few moments later.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Less comprehensible a través del tiempo