Others, such as Graham Henry and Warren Gatland, presided over much lessprescriptive regimes.
Dodd and Corker will be lessprescriptive, leaving such decisions up to the discretion of regulators.
The new draft is lessprescriptive than the old, leaving teachers more scope to use their own initiative and imagination.
The library, like a mall, is a managed space, but less controlling in its experiences and lessprescriptive in its products.
He added that the wide-ranging nature of the agreement with CSIRO was a sign of a more open, lessprescriptive approach to research.
The 300-plus-page final rule is also lessprescriptive by giving exchanges greater flexibility in setting up their consolidated audit trails, these people added.
Lessprescriptive guidance could give businesses the opportunity to use new technology to comply.
Lessprescriptive than the NHS proposal, it notes that happy, well-motivated staff deliver better care and their patients enjoy improved outcomes.