The innate mechanisms driving (or inhibiting) leukocytetrafficking to allografts remain incompletely understood.
We now show that aldosterone triggers endothelial cell exocytosis, the first step in leukocytetrafficking.
Our data show that antibody to host antigens can activate human endothelial cell exocytosis and leukocytetrafficking.
We hypothesized that endothelial expression of such guidance cues may regulate leukocytetrafficking into the vascular wall during atherogenesis.
Uveitis was assessed using intravital videomicroscopy, which visualizes leukocytetrafficking within the vasculature and tissue of the iris, and by histology.
In vivo microscopy of leukocytetrafficking was performed in non-thrombosed mice, and tissue and plasma were harvested during early VT formation.
These data indicate a previously unappreciated role for axonal guidance cues in maintaining the endothelial barrier and regulating leukocytetrafficking during atherogenesis.
Importantly, in healthy neonates, blocking TNF-a at birth disrupted the physiologic leukocytetrafficking, which resulted in persistently altered leukocyte profiles at barrier sites.
First thought to orchestrate exclusively leukocytetrafficking, chemokines are now acknowledged for their multiple roles in the regulation of cell proliferation, differentiation, and survival.
The drug's activity is based on an improved permeabilization of newly formed tumor vasculature, which favors intratumor penetration of chemotherapeutic agents and leukocytetrafficking.
Leukocytetrafficking and recruitment is a critical process in host immune surveillance and in inflammatory diseases.
Leukocytetrafficking into the CNS is a prominent feature driving the immunopathogenesis of multiple sclerosis and its animal model, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.