Aún no tenemos significados para "light candle".
1People lit candles and oil lamps, moving light from room to room.
2The sergeant of the guard brought a lighted candle to the table.
3The Sister and Felice met them at the door with lighted candles.
4People light candles as they gather at Lennon Wall at Admiralty district.
5Women at home lighted candles to find their way about the house.
6There was a lit candle on the table across from her bed.
7They lit candles everywhere, and the stars, visible through the window, disappeared.
8The man carried a lighted candle and chewed thoughtfully at a straw.
9She was cooking pasta and had lit candles in the dining room.
10She went down the cellar stairs, carrying with her a lighted candle.
11People lit candles in bags with messages in memory of Alex Fisher.
12Some farmer-boys entered with lighted candles, a cross and basin of holy-water.
13I lit candles anyway, and everything glinted with the unaccustomed warm illumination.
14Semelon lifted two of the lighted candles from one of the candlesticks.
15Just ring for a lighted candle, we will seal up these boxes.
16Mourners laid flowers and lit candles near the site of the building.