An orderly arrangement of persons or things in, or as if in, a line.
Examples for "lineup"
Examples for "lineup"
1The new lineup includes four models slated for production early next year.
2This lineup is no different, The Daily Maverick said in a statement.
3Every summer sees a new iPhone, every September a new iPod lineup.
4Oregon State has used the same starting lineup in all 15 games.
5They continue to perform to this day with a slightly different lineup.
1Parliament will delay its vote on the incoming Commission line-up, officials said.
2A sparse line-up of new drugs remains the Anglo-Swedish company's top problem.
3Under EU rules, parliament must vote on an entire line-up, not individuals.
4The purchase could therefore point to interesting developments in Amazon's hardware line-up.
5Mr English said he would announce a new Cabinet line-up before Christmas.
6At this point, however, that line-up does not include any at-home consoles.
7The decision was the first by a new line-up of EU commissioners.
8Karzai promised to send parliament his new cabinet line-up early next week.
9This year, Humphreys has slung together a particularly impressive line-up of celebrities.
10The Islanders had an international line-up with performers from all over Europe.
11In fact, the comments are far more interesting than the line-up itself.
12It's been 24 years since Clannad recorded together with their original line-up.
13In fact their starting line-up had an older average age than AZ's.
14The Body & Soul area line-up won't be out until mid July.
15The line-up of divisional directors will be announced in the coming days.
16The line-up for the New Zealand International Film Festival has been revealed.