Similar associations with family history were noted among men diagnosed at younger ages for MFA, linolenicacid and 20-carbon PFA.
Significantly, docosahexaenoic acid exhibits the greatest efficacy as an agonist, whereas eicosapentaenoic acid and linolenicacid are markedly more effective inhibitors.
The answer lies in the fact that they contain so much omega 3 linolenicacid -the good kind of essential fatty acid.
The results of the present study suggest that the linolenicacid and conjugated linoleic acid affinity for lyso-phosphatidic acid acyl-transferase increased with its tissue availability.
With both lipid emulsions, the conversion of linoleic acid in its higher derivatives (di-homo-gamma- linolenicacid) improved and essential fatty acid deficiency did not appear.
Linolenicacid has 3 double bonds among its 18 carbon atoms, and is found in green leaves and in some seed oils.
"Olive oil contains more oleic acid and less linoleic and linolenicacids than other vegetable oils." Again, mistaking my comment as a request for elaboration.