Aún no tenemos significados para "lithe grace".
1She was a thing of lithe grace in her soft red silk.
2Each of them moved with the lithe grace of a young puma.
3But in his motions was something of the lithe grace of the puma.
4Moving, she had lost none of her lithe grace.
5She had a lithe grace, like a dancer, and was small like Ophélie and Pip.
6His gigantic stature was not clumsy, for there was a lean, lithe grace in his movements.
7Moving with a lithe grace, Thallo bounded up to a mezzanine walkway above the containment chambers.
8Her lithe grace never showed to more advantage.
9The head bends slightly forward, with a darting, eager movement, yet with a fine, lithe grace.
10His arms were extended; his movements had a lithe grace that was irresistibly fascinating to the eye.
11A lithe grace and quickness, like those of a beautiful wild animal, were characteristic of every movement.
12He had grown to a physical manhood which had the leopard's lithe grace and the lion's gravity.
13His lithe grace, his assurance, his ease of manner and speech, always differentiated him from the other ranchmen.
14He rose and turned with his easy, lithe grace towards the gun-rack, but Briscoe sat still in pondering dismay.
15He acknowledged reluctantly that her odd turns of speech tickled his intellect just as her lithe grace of movement excited his senses.
16Jessie swung sidewise in her saddle with the lithe grace of a boy, dropped her elbow on the high pommel, and gave advice.
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Lithe grace a través del tiempo
Lithe grace por variante geográfica