Aún no tenemos significados para "long usage".
1From long usage he was expert at roping and tying.
2But after such long usage -though I could not advise without seeing the papers.'
3But the worst abuse of such power comes not at first, but with long usage.
4The walls were dark from smoke and long usage, for this was a very old mill.
5And he wore a ragged old jacket and a gray cloth cap, discolored by long usage.
6A wide board, rude, over-massive, and shining with long usage, reflected the stone ware and the wine.
7And these were not the only chairs tacitly recognized as carrying special privileges by reason of long usage.
8It was riderless, though on its back was a high-horned Mexican saddle, scarred and discolored by long usage.
9They were alert, well-built fellows and examined Harry closely, a process to which long usage had reconciled him.
10Thus by long usage it had become a place of quiet and solitude for the members of the family.
11In dress the Boer is almost universally slovenly, his clothes hang about him stained and discoloured by long usage.
12In many respects the morals of the Oriental differ radically from those of the Occidental, age- long usage being behind each.
13I really beg your pardon,-butperhaps from long usage, it has become impossible for me to tell a straight story.
14He proceeded to dress, a matter of moments, slipping into duck trousers and blouse, dirty and frayed from long usage.
15These laws were merely a collection of customs attaining the force of law by long usage, by hereditary habit, and by
16With his black felt hat and his old brown coat, discoloured by long usage, he looked like a kind of brigand.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Long usage a través del tiempo
Long usage por variante geográfica