A card game for four players who form two partnerships; a pack of 52 cards is dealt and each side scores one point for each trick it takes in excess of six.
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Examples for "whist "
Examples for "whist "
1 Breakfast, whist ; lunch, whist ; dinner, whist ; supper, whist ; and then to bed.
2 In the drawing-room three whist - tables carry off the more elderly and grave.
3 The hour for whist had arrived; so he departed to play whist .
4 During this time the General played whist with Madame de la Roche-Jugan.
5 We played whist in the evening, and I went to bed late.
1 The archdeacon is engaged against two prebendaries, a pursy full-blown rector assisting him, in all the perils and all the enjoyments of short whist .
2 Whist and Short Whist , 18mo.
1 In the next hand, Miss Gabriel-forthis was old - fashioned long whist -held all four honours, and took the game.
2 But Aunt Margaret could play a capital game of whist-longwhist.
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Esta colocación está formada por: Translations for long whist