Loss of blood escaping from the circulatory system.
1He was lamed in the struggle and faint from loss of blood.
2The matron was in awful agony and faint from loss of blood.
3It was just loss of blood that troubled me for the time.
4Feeble with pain and the loss of blood, he with difficulty replied:
5Weak from hunger and loss of blood, the dizziness was becoming chronic.
6But Bill looked pale as a ghost from the loss of blood.
7He is anxious that there should be no further loss of blood.
8Meantime Owen, overcome by loss of blood, sank exhausted on the deck.
9He was very pale from loss of blood, but was perfectly sensible.
10It's only a wound, and he has fainted from loss of blood.
11It was loss of blood from the way the perpetrator gutted him.
12He knew he was almost delirious with shock and loss of blood.
13He was feeling the loss of blood, as well as... something else.
14The cause of death was officially listed as massive loss of blood.
15I felt myself growing weaker and weaker; it was the loss of blood.
16I was faint from loss of blood, and in frightful pain.
Translations for loss of blood