Sportsperson taking part in professional wrestling.
1He, his ridiculous backstory and his luchador Liberace outfit never existed.
2No, not classic masked luchador films, like Santo Versus the Martian Invasion, or Blue Demon Versus the Infernal Brains.
3On the floor between them was a discarded luchador's mask, the same one Carlos had seen depicted on the news.
4Carlos had a blurry memory of seeing a guy in a luchador's mask on the news -Vigilante Troubles City, something like that.
5First of all, I want to call out everyone who wrote in to compliment me on how awesome I look in a luchador mask.
6El Vengador clenched his jaw beneath the luchador's mask, strength seeping from his body with each step as he staggered away into the darkness.
7I'd been wrestling with my feelings about the festival like a pair of Mexican luchadors trying to pull the masks off each other.
Translations for luchador