A conveyer belt that carries luggage to be claimed by air travelers.
1A famous guy said hello to my friend by the luggage carousel.
2The hover trolley spun out of control, crashing into a luggage carousel.
3Wilson proceeded to the luggage carousel, where his bag did not appear.
4It crops up like an abandoned bag on a midnight luggage carousel.
5Mine was the only rucksack on the luggage carousel at Tokyo's Narita Airport.
6On arrival I waited at the luggage carousel, but my luggage never appeared.
7Artur was waiting for her by the luggage carousel.
8Summer slipped her arm around his waist, and together they headed toward the luggage carousel.
9Most people would use the ones at the gate or down next to the luggage carousel.
10And it appears on a little colour-coded plate, brought to you on a miniature luggage carousel?
11The flat screens beyond the desk by the luggage carousel showed newsreels of yesterday's suicide bombings and Taliban attacks in Kabul.
12Bibelib suitcase covers The luggage carousel can seem like a lucky dip when yet another black wheelie doppleganger joins the circling parade.
13He was one of 21 lost furry friends who were paraded on a luggage carousel in a video released by the airport in September.
14They could not get close to the luggage carousel; Rachel could just see the top of her father's hat, the one with the feather.
15They cleared customs and parted ways with the Building Bridges contingent at the luggage carousels.
16Luggage from arriving passengers is loaded on a long bench in the absence of a luggage carousel.
Translations for luggage carousel