Aún no tenemos significados para "lust for blood".
1The craze for slaughter, the lust for blood, is abroad in the land.
2They were still drunk with rum and the lust for blood.
3Yet with all this the lust for blood was not quenched.
4The man's insatiable-hehas been watching the hotel in his lust for blood!
5His eyes were unnaturally wide and glazed with a berserk lust for blood.
6It was a nasty sound, filled with the lust for blood.
7They were all males dwelling here together in sorcery and common lust for blood.
8It was a hoarse note, for the lust for blood crowds the throat full.
9Do you know what the human lust for blood is?
10The instances recorded in the preceding chapter point unmistakably to hallucination accompanying the lust for blood.
11The tigerish lust for blood awoke in Abishai.
12Then I yielded to the lust for blood.
13Now they skulked timorously, but then they might walk upright and glut their fiendish lust for blood.
14Not for pillage, carnage, cruelty, mad hatred, overwhelming ambition, lust for blood; but brotherhood, kindliness, love, mercy.
15Mad with the lust for blood, and that fouler lust of Religious revenge, the pursuing host sped southwards.
16You fancy they are dead or only fictitious characters-mythicalrepresentatives of strength, cruelty, stupidity, and lust for blood?