Aún no tenemos significados para "make derogatory".
1Cross has repeatedly made derogatory remarks in the courtroom about Jewish people.
2Steve Dickson was filmed drunkenly making derogatory comments and touching dancers.
3Mr Justice Carney was unfair to Majella Holohan and made derogatory remarks about her.
4Staff also accused management of making derogatory comments and playing people off each other.
5He had made derogatory comments about women, gay people and Jewish people in the past.
6Bobby Rowe, a Tennessee rodeo promoter, was caught on film making derogatory comments about gays and Muslims.
7In the video, the assailants can be heard making derogatory statements against white people and Donald Trump.
8Sir, - In the past two weeks Rev Ian Paisley has made derogatory remarks about our national drink.
9Chalekian said Fisher made derogatory comments about genitalia, picking up girls and financier Jeffrey Epstein, among other topics.
10According to a conference attendee, Fisher made derogatory remarks about genitalia and picking up girls among other topics.
11At some point during court proceedings, Judge Makauka had to reprimand the wife for making derogatory gestures towards Zondi.
12Piers Morgan is known for proudly supporting Donald Trump as well making derogatory comments about women and their bodies.
13He said Fisher had made derogatory comments about genitalia, picking up girls and financier Jeffrey Epstein, among other topics.
14Another MP challenged the Speaker about a sticker on his car that " makes derogatory comments about Brexit".
15He had no verbal reaction to Ryan's decision but made derogatory remarks about Jewish people as he left the courtroom.
16The Mercury newspaper has published more questionable remarks attacking Muslims and making derogatory comments about politicians in the Apple Isle.