Aún no tenemos significados para "mangle body".
1We expected to find the mangled body of Hector in the morning.
2Seeing the mangled bodies of James Peck and others affected me profoundly.
3His was the first terribly mangled body that I had ever seen.
4A week later his naked, mangled body was found in the desert.
5Her mangled body and blood-soaked clothes were found among pine trees, police said.
6It was unpleasant work searching the mangled bodies of the crew.
7The mangled bodies of both military officers and civilians lay amid the devastation.
8For a moment he stood as if petrified, staring at her mangled body.
9Tortured, mangled bodies packed the OR, and they worked seventy-eight hours straight through.
10They found her torn and mangled body there after the battle.
11A mangled body glides by from where it briefly snagged on dead branches.
12The brewer took one look at the mangled bodies and fainted dead away.
13Gretchen stiffened, expecting someone to find Enrico's mangled body lying on the pavement.
14Settling fluidly beside the mangled body, it began to feed.
15He has seen the mangled bodies in the grappling hooks.
16The mangled bodies of Antiochus, Herennianus and Timolaus have been found among the slain.