Aún no tenemos significados para "mark the close".
1This day and this hour mark the close of a century of our national history.
2They mark the close of power to vary.
3The event was to mark the close of the house party, which was to break up on the following day.
4But, anyway, the episode connected with my marriage did mark the close of my professional career, and is therefore worthy of record.
5Held to mark the close of the traditional bathing season, the festival will open with a "Tramore of Yore" exhibition at the Coast Guard station.
6The state recently marked the close of this year's legislative session.
7His campaign against the foreigners marked the close of his service.
8How different from the first embrace which marks the close of a wooing!
9The battle of Bosworth Field (1485) marks the close of the war.
10The passing of this Act marks the close of the experimental stage in land purchase.
11Every world conflict has marked the close of one epoch and the opening of another.
12The acquittal of Delamere marks the close of another.
13The Cuban ballet's gala performance marked the close of the Russian Bolshoi season until October.
14The Cork visit marks the close of the first stage in the history of the Convention.
15One could argue that this magnificent folly marked the close of the Italian's very best period.
16Giacomo Leopardi marks the close of this period.
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