Matt has started doing this weird thing where he suddenly tries to sound more masc.
MASC They are honour's marks, that show what a man is made of.
Here we show that DNMT1 is indispensable for MaSC maintenance.
MASCs also differentiated into contractile cardiac tissue in vitro and formed functional blood vessels in vivo.
Mammary stem cells (MaSCs) can regenerate a functional epithelium on transplantation into cleared fat pads.
We show that the MaSC population has a distinct SCA-1+ population that is abundant in pre-pubertal mammary glands.
Anxiety symptom monitoring may be provided by the use of two psychometrically strong self-report measures, the MASC and the SCARED.
MASC, I may at least boast that they are a quarter of a yard wider than any that have been made.
We showed that wild-type MaSCs and basal cells are more resistant to apoptosis and exhibit increased non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) activity.
NTRK fusions are also found in mammary analog secretory carcinomas (MASC), secretory breast carcinomas, and with modest frequency in high-grade gliomas in very young children.