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Significados de massacred without en inglés
Aún no tenemos significados para "massacred without".
Uso de massacred without en inglés
They massacred all who resisted; they massacredwithout the excuse of resistance.
The population was massacredwithout mercy, and the town pillaged and burnt.
Those suspected of sympathizing with the royal party were massacredwithout mercy.
The innocent and guilty would have been massacredwithout mercy by our taskmasters.'
Then, when day came, they would be seen by the Tartars, and massacredwithout mercy!
A junk might be seized and its crew massacredwithout the slightest whisper of the event coming to civilized ears.
You hear of castles being surprised, and the people massacredwithout a chance of resistance; of villages being burned, and the people butchered unresistingly.
They were easily defeated, and massacredwithout mercy; and it was only by multiplied and horrible executions that their numbers were at length diminished.