Aún no tenemos significados para "mate pair".
1Results: Inclusion of mate pair library reads improved the assembly in some plasmids as did prior enrichment of plasmids.
2That was the only raven seen, though they flew in mated pairs.
3Mated pairs now ran close when hunting, sometimes traveling in fours.
4The dispirited bobtail looked up as a well- mated pair pranced past.
5I have found mated pairs as late as ten o'clock in the forenoon.
6Describes the loon and its habits; they live in mated pairs and keep faith.
7They were a mated pair: the bull nearly twice her size, aggressive and indomitable.
8I'll talk to some of the other mated pairs.
9Upon this mated pair a band of sharks had flung themselves to seize the infant.
10More to the point, they're a mated pair, and they both know you very well indeed.
11So all went well with this well- mated pair.
12The two jackrabbits were a mated pair named Ferash and Niko, and their species called themselves Kitsu.
13Mr. Pettis found the mated pair he brought to me, on a bush at the edge of a swamp.
14When it does, the male half of the mated pair normally becomes a member of his mate's birth clan.
15What a strangely- mated pair!
16There wasn't a single recorded instance of a mated pair of 'cats who had both adopted humans... before Nimitz and Samantha.