Network modeling is a flexible mathematicalstructure that enables to identify statistical regularities and structural principles hidden in complex systems.
Wall Street hires lots of physicists because physical and financial problems, although superficially very different, often have a similar mathematicalstructure.
This requires careful accounting for the short-lived modes which leads to an intricate mathematicalstructure known from the theory of resurgence.
Schoenberg's 12-tone system, which influenced so many of the major composers of the 20th century, including Webern, Berg and Stravinsky, is underpinned by mathematicalstructure.
Even Shakespeare's poetry is full of interesting mathematicalstructures.
These mechanisms can be formalized in terms of mathematicalstructures containing parameters that are theoretically meaningful.
Lord Brougham's paper on "The MathematicalStructure of Bees' Cells," read before the National Institute of France in May, 1858.
We can all enjoy the elegance of brilliant logical arguments and appreciate the beauty of mathematicalstructures and symmetries without being skille(...)
"At the earliest drawings of the fractal curve, few clues to the underlying mathematicalstructure will be seen."