Aún no tenemos significados para "maudlin tears".
1At this he broke down and wept maudlin tears, disgusting to witness.
2The quick maudlin tears sprang to the old man's eyes.
3The Colonel actually wept at this point, and the maudlin tears were not altogether insincere.
4And the maudlin tears came into the man's rheumy eyes and rolled down his cheeks.
5Hugh looked up, his face wet with maudlin tears.
6His eyes filled with maudlin tears.
7He said the words with great maudlin tears raining down his face, when my own eyes were dry!
8It was evident that he was on the verge of maudlin tears; he shook and trembled and began protesting.
9His voice contained maudlin tears.
10Then Vassili would burst into maudlin tears and weep over his own degeneracy, saying that I was his only true friend.
11He lurched from the table into his armchair, and began to weep maudlin tears, mingled with genuine drops of remorse and shame.
12Maudlin tears rolled down the poor creature's cheeks, for they could be no tears of affection.
13Maudlin tears rose in her eyes, and she recognized, just in time, the beginnings of a snuffling, embarrassing crying jag.
14"Lady Bazelhurst, you-you-"andthen he collapsed into the chair, bursting into maudlin tears.
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