The virtual world of Ace Attorney will enter Tokyo's meatspace this spring.
It's that kind of idea carrying over into meatspace.
Will meatspace pirates be replaced by online data kidnappers?
You could be boiled alive before you noticed what was happening in the meatspace around you.
Theoretically, we love multiplayer games because they offer a dramatic alternative to our shades-of-beige meatspace lives.
Now, we're all online all the time, and the reality-distorting effects are bleeding over into meatspace.
Then he launched into a scenario, to demonstrate how a meatspace plot might be hidden by in-game chatter.
Uber ditches the concept of meatspace taxi-hailing by providing on-demand town car service via both its app and text messaging.
I'm talking about the kind of RPGs that are played in meatspace, with peripherals made from wood pulp and graphite.
The inaugural meatspace meet-up revels in massive board games with humans as pieces, flash mobbing, and other alternate reality activities.
Following the interest in Raw File's conversation with Marvin Heiferman, writer Pete Brook was invited to continue the dialogue in meatspace.
Without the tempering influence of meatspace interactions, and with participants uniquely free to chat during presentations, people weren't shy about their confusion.
Once it's finished in the virtual world, it moves to meatspace testing at the Army's National Training Center in Ft. Irwin, California.
The hacker tourist ventures forth across the wide and wondrous meatspace of three continents, chronicling the laying of the longest wire on Earth.
It's dramatic irony, you see-theylove each other in cyberspace, hate each other in meatspace-andthe filmmakers milk it for all it's worth.
There was once a time when people distinguished between cyberspace, the digital world of computers and hackers, and the flesh-and-blood reality known as meatspace.