A prediction of the course of a disease.
Examples for "prospect"
Examples for "prospect"
1There's no prospect of Britain joining a common asylum process in Europe.
2Mr Wheeler said there was every prospect the strong growth would continue.
3However, the prospect of her release also stirred resentment among kidnapping victims.
4However, the prospect of her release has stirred resentment among kidnapping victims.
5A growing number of influential investors think it's an increasingly likely prospect.
1Studies suggest an association with a good prognosis; however, relapse can occur.
2Conclusion: Clinical characteristics, course and prognosis of sarcoidosis vary in different studies.
3This information will help clinicians discuss prognosis with patients and their families.
4Therefore no prognosis for placental location can be made concerning future pregnancies.
5Therefore, it is difficult to accurately predict the prognosis of individual patients.
1They have said little about the aspiring singer's treatment or medical prognosis.
2Family members have said little about the aspiring singer's treatment or medical prognosis.
3Offering a medical prognosis has always been a nuanced business.
4He was stretchered from the pitch and the medical prognosis wasn't good from the outset.
5The medical prognosis on Bowe is positive.
6They have said little about the aspiring singer's treatment or medical prognosis, and Bobby Brown has asked for privacy.
7It is hard to believe he is gone, since he defied medical prognosis a number of times over the years.
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Translations for medical prognosis