Aún no tenemos significados para "mentions the fact".
1He mentions the fact that mice have been written about here recently.
2He mentions the fact to show that slavery is in no danger.
3Hugh O'Conor mentions the fact while we are arranging coffee and cake.
4No one ever mentions the fact that I can't use my legs.
5Writing from Brockville, he mentions the fact that he
6If any man used a spear or sword of iron, Homer never once mentions the fact.
7I, 346), mentions the fact that it was given by her to Fabre to be translated.
8Psathas mentions the fact that the music is very militaristic in parts - possibly reminiscent of action-movie or war-movie soundtracks.
9Sir John mentions the fact as follows, in a letter to Admiral Smyth, written in 1830, August 8:
10Relative to ligature of the common carotid artery, Ashhurst mentions the fact that the artery has been ligated in 228 instances, with 94 recoveries.
11Wiedemann, in an article on child-marriages in Egypt (381), mentions the fact that a certain king of the twenty-first dynasty (about 1100 B.C.)
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