Aún no tenemos significados para "mere figurehead".
1But the truth is that the King of Bohemia was now a mere figurehead.
2Without power or privileges, she was a mere figurehead- agoodmother looking after her family.
3Still, the way the technocrats keep whittling away at my responsibilities, I'm becoming a mere figurehead.
4Fremont, a mere figurehead as their candidate, had polled a million votes in the campaign before.
5I don't want to be a mere figurehead.
6TEACHERS' INTEREST King, a lifelong cricket enthusiast, is no mere figurehead but integral to the project's origin and development.
7She was a mere figurehead.
8Hampered at every turn by my colleagues, fettered by the democratic system of which I should be the mere figurehead!
9It will not do to imagine that Lord Urusander is now little more than a mere figurehead, to be pushed this way and that.
10Picked out by the great political parties as mere figureheads, sometimes they deceived their sponsors, and showed themselves men and patriots.
11"And the Queen- averylovely young woman-isa mere figurehead-apawn to be moved at the discretion of the higher powers."
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