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Significados de mesh net en inglés
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Uso de mesh net en inglés
Behind her, a wire meshnet prevented her from accessing the front two seats.
We got some iron gates and tied them together with a thick meshnet over it all.
Chicago Press 2015 Plankton collected in the Atlantic Ocean with a 0.1 mm meshnet.
Chicago Press 2015 Plankton collected in the Pacific Ocean with a 0.1 mm meshnet.
Chicago Press 2015 Plankton collected in winter in the Mediterranean Sea with a 0.2mm meshnet.
A close- meshednet of crime and corruption lay upon the whole country.
The opposition is watched by a fine- meshednet of informers.
A fine- meshednet fitting around the edge of the umbrella would make it insect proof.
There were not exactly bars, but two large meshnets of steel separated the visitor from the patient under observation.
A small, fine- meshednet, fashioned like a sieve and handled by two, is one of the best means of collecting minnows.
Lillie and Nelson were both busy tow-netting for plankton with full-speed, Apstein, Nansen, 24-and 180- meshnets.
So running we came where we could see the line of nets, now of six-foot, heavy- meshednets, on either side of us.
I found the patch a few years ago, but Gale had the idea to string meshnets around it to keep out the animals.
It is constructed of fine- meshednets hung upon stakes, arranged so as to entrap and detain the fish without insnaring them in the meshes.
It was of strong, close- meshednets fully three yards high stretched on sturdy forked stakes and well guyed back outside to pegs like tent-pegs.
Almayer lay ruined and helpless under the close- meshednet of their intrigues, owing his life only to his supposed knowledge of Lingard's valuable secret.