The risk would rise further over the next year and a half if Iran continued to push ahead with its militaryprogramme.
When he desired to speak of the militaryprogramme, he stated that he had decided, after consultation with the 'Chief of Staff'.
This week, Colombian president Juan Manuel Santos will visit the White House to seek increased aid and celebrate the successes of the US-backed militaryprogramme.
The Tsar continued to press forward his social reforms at Moscow, and his naval and militaryprogrammes.
Preparing militaryprogrammes teaching the types of weapons and military tactics with the supervision of the military commander in every province.
His remarks came after Mr Trump requested a supplemental funding bill to include money for the wall along with militaryprogrammes.
Several foreign government have voiced disapproval of the coup, including the United States, which scrapped joint militaryprogrammes days after the generals took power.
After fresh denials from the regime that it has any banned weapons or prohibited militaryprogrammes, at least three UN teams were at work today.