Prostrate or semi-erect subshrub of tropical America, and Australia; heavily armed with recurved thorns and having sensitive soft grey-green leaflets that fold and droop at night or when touched or cooled.
Opposition and indifference, which stimulate more vigorous natures, affected Chopin as touch does the mimosapudica, the sensitive plant-theymade him shrink and wither.
A somewhat analogous structure occurs in Mimosapudica and some other plants.
This was observed with Desmodium gyrans and Mimosapudica.
Mimosapudica (Leguminosae).-Thecotyledons rise up vertically at night, so as to close together.
Mimosapudica.-Thecotyledons were expanded for the first time on Nov. 2nd, and stood vertical at night.
157 Mimosapudica: circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of main petiole, traced during 34 h. 30 m.
A polyphasic study was conducted with 11 strains trapped by Mimosapudica and Phaseolus vulgaris grown in soils of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest.
We have seen that a leaf of Mimosapudica continued to move in the ordinary manner, though somewhat more simply, until it withered and died.
Secondly, according to Ramey**, the cotyledons of Mimosapudica and of Clianthus Dampieri rise up almost vertically at night and approach each other closely.
Sophora chrysophylla (Tribe 10).-Theleaflets rise at night, and are at the same time directed towards the apex of the leaf, as in Mimosapudica.