Aún no tenemos significados para "misshapen forms".
1The desert people gathered around the chambers, saw misshapen forms wallowing in spice gas.
2Flame enveloped Trollocs, then burst with a roar that left misshapen forms unmoving on the ground.
3Out of that blackness rushed two huge, hideously misshapen forms, each a misbegotten, misjointed parody of a man.
4Crag Trolls patrolled the perimeter of the compound, their misshapen forms little more than shadows drifting silently through the night.
5Then the demons appeared, a horde of dark, misshapen forms breaking from invisibility into being, spilling over from the black.
6Beaten decisively, the survivors turned and ran, their misshapen forms fading back into the mists as if they had never been.
7The misshapen forms of nonhuman things began to emerge from the ground, to dance obscenely under the whispering winds and the dark clouds.
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