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Significados de mix ethnicity en inglés
Aún no tenemos significados para "mix ethnicity".
Uso de mix ethnicity en inglés
It will tell of a brother and sister and their mixedethnicities.
All patients were unrelated; 35 reported Jewish ancestry and the remainder reported mixedethnicity.
Some children of mixedethnicity in Japanese schools have been bullied because they look different.
It is full of appealing kids of mixedethnicity and a handful of addled adults.
Yoshikawa is the second Japanese of mixedethnicity to win a beauty contest in as many years.
He said the mixedethnicity, with large numbers of immigrants and Pacific Islanders, in south Auckland was partly responsible.
Larger comparisons of mixedethnicity might, however, reveal an important role for Siglecs in the pathogenesis of autoimmune disease.
Introducing and teaching kava to visitors (to New Zealand) at a mixedethnicity kava venue in Hamilton.
A historical cohort study with an analytical component was conducted to determine whether risk-appropriate chemotherapy can improve survival in children of mixedethnicity with ALL.
Compared with white British teenagers, a history of dieting was more common among Bangladeshi, Indian and mixedethnicity boys and less likely among Pakistani girls.
A previous study reported a higher, significant prevalence of CYP1B1*3 polymorphism in ovarian cancer patients of mixedethnicity.
The data for those firms showed 56% of people described themselves as white, 4% as Asian and 1% each as Black and mixedethnicity.