Perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment.
Examples for "lost"
Examples for "lost"
1Depression costs Irish business £170 million each year in lost work days.
2The problem, the problem, the problem was I lost all my feelings.
3Siddig said his father appeared in good health but had lost weight.
4The reality is he has lost control of his party on Europe.
5Have words and arguments lost their power to bring about social change?
1Public opinion polls on the EU referendum question give a confused picture.
2Tommy looked confused, not quite understanding why the question was being asked.
3If you're confused by what that actually means, you're in good company.
4The details of the crisis were a little confused in her mind.
5Frodo made no answer; his mind was confused with doubt and fear.
1Feeling somewhat bewildered by news reports and Facebook feeds this Friday morning?
2Reine went in and out of the room in a bewildered fashion.
3Darrell did not reply at once; he felt in some way bewildered.
4Even the acquiescence of Rosamund in the title of countess bewildered him.
5While still bewildered and undetermined the landlady came in from the bar-room.
1I am baffled by what I've read in The Irish Times today.
2The second is not easy to explain, a baffled Pochettino told reporters.
3I mentioned the crisis to Jack, who was as baffled as I.
4I was baffled and surprised by how much PPE is actually used.
5Those who saw search results were usually baffled with the image matching.
1DESIGN & INVENTION:It is a problem that has confounded scientists for generations.
2Any apparent effect appears to be largely confounded with increased contributor number.
3For most of this year, monthly inflation data have confounded economists' expectations.
4He was ashamed; he was confounded; and only did not declare it.
5No; for they that trust in the Lord shall never be confounded.
1Interviewers are often left bemused by her darkly honest sense of humour.
2Last year he said he was bemused by their friendliness during tournaments.
3The public is already bemused by the debate, which has only started.
4The elder appeared quite bemused by the request but waved his agreement.
5Ravi wrote: He was naturally quite bemused but rolled with the punches.
1A befuddled Koch asks why the small sum would make a difference.
2His wide range of interests is masked by a faux-befuddled everyman persona.
3He looks confused now, befuddled, and I remember he has been drinking.
4And then McIntyre waits for the befuddled replies and reads them out.
5She looked befuddled, cute, a child dressed up for a greeting card.
1There was no thought of weariness in this mazed, dream-world of hers.
2How can I tell you, who am mazed with grief and doubt?
3She mazed the whole school world by a meteoric display of unsuspected capacities.
4But soon he was mazed among precipitous shelves which needed all his skill.
5I strode away-leavinghim mazed-andall but ran into Marjorie's arms.
1Earlier efforts produced fierce clashes at sea with anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd.
2Believe me, I didn't want the responsibility of burying him at sea.
3Beginning at sea level, air weighs about 15 pounds per square inch.
4Harsher conditions, both on land and at sea, were on their way.
5Thirteen young men perished at sea, leaving families emotionally and economically devastated.
1It was all black, no gray; so was his long, mixed-up whiskers.
2And all my life has been a mixed-up business of the sort.
3In this mixed-up world, if you don't get trashed, you get smashed.
4The mixed-up bedrooms, the cuckolded husband, the conniving slave -thosethey understood.
5Nothing but animals, all of them, including that mixed-up perversion of yours, Nezzie.
6In the meantime, matters politically were in a very mixed-up state throughout Texas.
7How are we ever going to make sense of this whole mixed-up disaster?
8You could tell, and not go into all the mixed-up details.